Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mass brawl at theme park after Muslim women are banned from going on rides unless they remove their head scarves

 By Mark Duell Mail on Line

A theme park in New York was forced to shut its gates to visitors when a mass brawl broke out after Muslim women were banned from rides unless they removed their headscarves.
Two park rangers were hospitalized and 15 people were arrested in the scuffle at Rye Playland in New York yesterday.
The theme park was crowded with around 6,000 visitors. Roughly 3,000 were in a Muslim tour group celebrating a holiday at the end of Ramadan.

If these people  can't accept and adjust to the customs of the USA then they should get the hell out of here.


  1. Or...they could wear their headscarves, die horribly in an amusement park accident and their families could sue...

  2. Arghhhhh!!!! Divine stole my line!

    This was a safety issue. Great let them wear the getup and end up strangling or decapitating themselves.
